
Laughter is good for the HEART

As most of you know already, both Bethanne and Rachel have been experiencing some health problems.  This blog post won't be able to explain the whole issue but you'll get a little idea of what is going on.  Over the last couple years (for Bethanne) and the last several months (for Rachel) the girls have been passing out while exercising...among other things.  Currently both girls are wearing MCOT heart monitors to hopefully capture any heart issues they may have.  (In case you are worried, both girls ECG's didn't show any anatomical heart defects, so we're good there)  Because both girls were removed from any physical activity/labor the last couple months, while wearing the heart monitors, the Doctor wanted them to resume some physical activity so the heart monitors would capture episodes while they exercised.  So under close adult supervision, Dave and I had to "exercise them" to see if we could get them to pass out. 
 This is how the girls got ready for their "fainting session."  Aren't they hilarious?!  They really have taken this whole thing well. 
And yes...both of them did pass out... 6 times around the flower bed in the front yard, 20 situps and 20 lunges....TIMBER!...in about 10 minutes. 

 Please pray for the girls, Dave & I, and wisdom for the Doctors.