
How to Exasperate Your Kids...

I wrote this list down during a Homeschool Mom's Night conversation awhile back. I took them to heart...

How to Exasperate Your Kids:

Don't apologize.
Never admit you're wrong.
Model hypocrisy.
Fail to keep your promises.
Batter them with words.
Abuse verbally.
Make discipline too severe.
Show favoritism.
Embarass them in front of others.
Give no "time" warnings.
Trying to be their buddy or pal.
Withhold firm discipline & training.
Discipline inconsistently.
Assert parental authority weakly.
Consistently believe "evil" of them.
Don't listen to them.
Neglect them.
Threaten them with rejection.
Never communicate approval.
Reward insolence.
Criticize when they are sharing their feelings.
Cease time of chastisement before it has produced humility.
Have higher standards for them then you have for yourself.
Demand to much of them.
Over protect.


Still Waters said...

For a moment I thought it would be chaulked full on honery things you have done to your kids like Peggy did to keep her boys on their toes! Pleasantly surprised though! Love it! Can I post it as a link or note of something on facebook? HUGS!

Dawn said...

Great reminder Steph! I appreciate your heart. Are you sure I can't embarrass my kids, though?