
Top 10 of 1993

My Dad at my wedding. Some of our "friends" stealing Dave away for a Bachelor Party during our Rehearsal Dinner. It is noteworthy to mention that after this night some of his friends came back and apologized! And then when they all got married, they asked everyone to not do to them what they did to Dave. That story is for another blog!
Fall 1993, Girls Sleepover at Nancy's house.
Laura, Tina, & my Mom
Speak No Evil, See No Evil, Hear No Evil
My $425 clearance Wedding Dress. I loved it! Perfect size 8, no altering needed at all. (Sure wish I could still fit into THAT dress!)
My Father-in-Love Larry, Dave, & my Dad Mitch
My Dad walking me down the aisle during rehearsal

Our room at the Silver Cloud after our wedding night. I think there was birdseed behind the headboard! I posted this picture because Dave and I took it to freak my Dad out. We made it look all messy on purpose. :0)

Our first KISS as man and wife.

1 comment:

Marci said...

So long ago and yet still fresh in my heart. "Bravo" to the pic of your hotel room, your dad deserves to be teased....and in print too, priceless :)