This year found us looking for our beloved tree in the middle of town. After last years "Snowshoe Death March" memories, Laura's morning sickness & sick kids, our big family decided to not take our annual trek up into the Colville National Forest to cut down a Christmas tree in the beginning of December. No, last Saturday, we found the nearest tree lot, forked over $50 (usually a $5 tag gets us one), tied it to the Sub, and drove home! Oh well, not quite as fun or memorable, but we still got our tree.
it's show time!
this spring the high school opened up auditions for their play to the jr
highers. ella was excited to try-out and after a 3 hour audition, ella was
8 years ago
No death march. That's probably a REALLY good thing! We used to have a tradition where we'd walk all the way to the 500 block or so of Garland and buy our tree from a guy who did a make-shift Christmas tree lot in his back yard. But he moved. Kind of sad.
and what a lovely tree it mommy
HI your girls have gotten so big I wanted a real christmas tree this year i could not bebelive they wanted a hundred dollars so i had to settle for our fake tree, Char
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